BW vs. Color Comparison
Let's interactively compare two images visually.
Example 1
BW vs. stylized color processing
What one is better? What do you think? Ilford Delta 100 (BW) vs. Old Photo with Faded Greens (*).
«The Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie»
Example 2
BW Kodak T-Max 100 vs. Sepia
Now let's compare BW Kodak T-Max 100 preset with it's Sepia variation
Which one seems better this time?
«Portrait - the Communist Party Demonstration. 04th October 2005»
Example 3
2 BW presets
Illford Delta 400 vs. Old Photo Faded Black and White
«A Portrait with the Emperor»
* All examples were made with the Realgrain Imagenomic photoshop plugin.